SCWH Honor Roll #6 - Green Stuff

Welcome to the SCWH Honor Roll!  We're looking at Green Stuff this week, and have a few posts that had me picking my jaw up off the floor:

Lost Hemisphere's Avian Mounted Destor Thane
Agis's GS-Enhanced Titan
Space Wolves's Reader-Submitted Works
Garden Ninja's 4 Savage World Models
Fantasy Game's Greater Daemon Emeryt
Black Dot Barrel's GS Scrolls and Decorations
Simon M.'s Space Marine
Master of the Forge's Terminator Chaplain

Unrelated to Green Stuff, there were 2 posts that really stood out to me (one modeling and one painting):
Atoom's Brushes & Dolls's Smoke Effects
Excommunicate Traitoris's Elysian Drop Troops

Mike and John's additions for this weeks Honor roll are:

Mike:  I am going for something different today: Fawcwett Ave Conscripts. Check out this. I am amazed by the quality of the work and the volume of painting. Better pictures next time would be good, but I love the whole thing!

John: I just can't get enough of Brother Argos and his custom Steel Legion at Battle For Armageddon.

That finishes out this week's Honor Roll! I'd also like to mention a contest The Fallen Princes are running for the First 'Badab Veterans' Competition.  The contest ends on April 15th, so there's only TWO WEEKS left. If you are interested, check out the link for the full rules and details.

And AGAIN: if you care about your fellow bloggers and their work, please link the Honor Roll on your blog. Grab the jpg from this post and use this link underneath:

It would be really appreciated!

Next week, We'll bring you the best posts out there on modeling, so if you have any blog posts or have seen something amazing showing off conversions, kit-bashes, or scratch-building, feel free to send it to robert [dot] biddle [at] gmail [dot] com.

