I was at the local Kmart store today looking for some kind of storage to keep some of my armies separate until they get painted. I already have a nice glass display case from Ikea for the finished models, but the unfinished models seem to just pile up in and around my work area .

With plastic storage tubs at about 5-10 bucks for smaller ones, I was happy to find these black 3 drawer carts on sale for $10 each, part of the home solutions storage line #8800.

I also bought a 6 piece assortment of small files for Mike (I got these before and use them a lot ) they are perfect for removing mold lines and flash and a must for custom figure work; also on sale for $3 .

Here is a cart in use, each drawer is removable with plenty of room for figures and tall enough for monsters and banners, and the top tray works well for paint and tools , you can see my small file set with the red handles in the front.
I am very happy so far, and the workspace is on its way to being a bit more tidy.
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