Painting Sticks for Flying Models

Here is something I have been doing to make it easier to paint my flying models.

I use old paint brushes, this gives a nice holder for priming and painting, and also is good for
test-flying them around and making squawking sounds.

I cut the stick off on the taper so that it fits in to the hole for the flying base, and glue it in with some CA or PVA glue.

When I use CA I use the accelerator with it so it has a weaker bond, when done painting I just twist the stick and it comes loose.

The rider is also glued to another old brush handle.



  1. What a great idea! My silly self always taped off the clear stick part and then primed the whole thing and held it by the bottom bit. Your way would be much better!

  2. Yes I now have a reason to keep those brushes that sadly roll into the super glue and are forever destroyed.

  3. Ah I do enjoy those good old squawking sounds. Great idea mate, thanks for sharing!


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