Santa Cruz Warhammer Give AWAY: the Sanguinor

Yes, another Original Santa Cruz Warhammer Give Away; this time we are giving away a brand new blister of the Sanguinor, Exemplar of the host. When I won a local painting contest a few months ago, I won 40 dollars in store credit. I decided to buy two Sanguinors and give one away to one of you readers. With the new Blood Angels, GW has created some of the most memorable models in a long time (JuaAdd Imagen Diaz) and the Sanguinor tops the list. Even if you don't play BA, try to win anyway and just paint it up for fun!

So this is what to do:
1. become a follower
2. leave a comment. What do you all think about those famous four: Lemartes, Sanguinor, Astorath and Seth

I will draw the winner on Friday Night! Free shipping to anywhere in the world! We have had winners in Italy/Spain/Malaysia/Finland/England and USA to name a few!



  1. Well out of those characters listed I have to say Seth is my favourite. So much so, that once I have moved in August I will be starting a flesh tearers army.
    My reason is he's trying to redeem his fallen chapter before it's too late. Also helps he has an excellent weapon and my main opponent plays horde Ork =)

  2. Yay a new giveaway! Really nice model. I love all the new Blood Angels. Even though there is a new Lemartes I kind of miss the old one.

  3. Giveaway! :D
    I have to say all the new models look pretty cool, though I like Sanguinor and Seth the most.

  4. Astorath has the best model, though Lemartes is a close second. Their poses makes me want to start a Death Company army. Must ... resist ... the Thirst!

    Sanguinor has the whole rennaissance angel thing going, so he's more iconic for the Blood Angels as a whole. I like his crucifiction-pose, very stylish.

    Seth is just an angry marine.

  5. The Lemartes model is my favorite, but the rules for the Sanguinor are amazing (costly, but awesome). As far as background is concerned, Astorath has the best story in my opinion.

  6. Seth is by far my favourite. As a long time Ork player making a move into Space Marines, any guy with a big sword and a crazy attitude gets my vote :D

    On a side not, you guys @ Santa Cruz do a great job with these giveaways, and while I know I have 0% chance of ever taking one home to Oz, it's a great way to try and make the community more friendly :)

  7. Lemartes is my favourite, as I dig the new Sanguinory Guards models!

    Greetings form Poland!

  8. I've not really got caught up in the BA hype, though there are a few new BA players at the local club, hence I've not looked at the new models really.

    The sculpt on this one certainly looks nice though, would be a fun model to paint.

  9. Out of all the characters the one I prefer is Asteroth... How can you not like someone who can appeal to the vampire within and drive the red thirst to the forefront so you have even more insane troops!

  10. I think Lemartes had a great resurrection in the new series of miniatures. I remember that I kept using the Chaplain with Jump Pack because I do not want to use the old Lemartes model at all. Haha.

    The Sanguinor is beautiful as well!

  11. Lemartes FTW!!! He really seems to capture the essence of the Blood Angel's curse.

    The Sanguinor is also pretty cool. Seth looks like a Loyalist Berzerker.

  12. My favorite is split between Sanguinor and Lemartes. I don't play Blood Angels and I'm not familiar with their rules at all, but those 2 models are AMAZING. The religious imagery in Sanguinor has me really wanting to pick him up. My Grey Knights are getting back in action soon, he'd make a nice counts-as Justicar since there's only 1 Justicar pose right now.

    I don't mind Seth, but I don't really care for the model too much either.

    Astorath, I just don't like the model. The pose is great, but I hate the armour. It just looks so sinew-y and like muscle instead of armour.

  13. Regarding the new Character models, I actually dislike Lemartes a bit. He just doesn't work for me for some reason.

    I really like Seth, the Sanguinor and Astorath. They all have this "epic" look to them.

    Nice giveaway!

  14. Lemartes's model is awesome, his background is great... his rules... jump pack death company are SO expensive. Saying that, I might pick him up to make a normal marine chaplain with.

    Seth... I'm going to make him a world eater at some point! Love the model.

    Sanquinor - The model is completely pimping, and the rules are excellent for him.

    Astorath - I actually am not that high on the model, and his rules are ok. I just can't get into the sinewy look

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Sanguinor FTW. any randomly appearing possibly warp tainted unit that fights for the real good is awesome....the stats are a bonus!

  17. I would say that the Sanguinator is my favorite. I read all the time about "force multipliers", and he seems to fit this bill. Personally, I just like the idea of a dude-bro coming in from nowhere ala the LotD and killing everything only to phase out when he's satiated his bloodlust.

  18. Thanks a lot for the giveaway opportunity. The new model is fantastic and someone will be very lucky to take it home!

  19. I like the changes on Lemartes; the old model is not realy my favorite. A lot of the old models did not need re-sculpting but Lemartes was not one of those IMHO.

    Of the new characters I love the Sanguinor even more so in combination with asteroth. They embody the duality of the bloodangels. Where the Sanguinor is the pure hearted nice guy; Asteroth is the bad guy that rips your hart out ;o)

    I like the Sanguinor the most 'cus he fits the overall theme better IMHO.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. For me Seth is best of the new BA character models, I love all the little details on him. That, coupled with the gianormous chainglaive he's rocking makes him pretty damn sweet to me.

  22. Astorath is probably my fave out of the lot, largely due to the stylin' hair! Still, shame he has a wingjetpack, instead of the actual wings in his artwork.

  23. Lemartes is a bad-ass, plain and simple.

    Astorath is one demented mo-fo.

    Seth, I don't really have an opinion on. I'll have to go read that bit of the codex again.

    Which brings me to Sanguinor. The model is frakin' sweet, but the fluff behind him I wish wasn't so shrouded in mystery.

    BTW I think it's great that you used part of the gift card to give back to the community. I hope it goes to someone deserving.

  24. I like the Sanguinor and Lemartes models the best. With the Exemplar Angel of Vengeance model being my favorite. But it could loose the nipples. Thanks for sharing the model with others!

  25. Lemartes has caught my interest the most out of the specials in the book. The model and the background are both fantastic. I love the crazed lune with just enough control to not kill everything and everyone around him and direct that insanity to the enemy.

    I'm not quite caught up in the BA craze, but I started painting my Space Hulk set and figured since they'd be tapped for double duty in 40k, I might as well get the codex too :).

  26. I have been itching to paint one of these sculpts since I first saw them. They're very inspiring models from a painters standpoint (as well as to their warriors on the battlefield :)

  27. My takes:

    Lemartes - possibly one of the coolest sculpts out there at the moment. I really want to buy this guy just to paint.

    Astaroth - wants to be Ares. Wants it so hard he writes fanfics about it.

    Seth - personally, I think this guy is underused. He has potential, but people are just writing him off.

    Sanguinor - love the model, not so much the fluff. Might have to file off the Batman and Robin-inspired rubber nipples though. It'd be fun to give some NMMs a shot with this guy. Plus, the "flying ribbons" are such an incredible improvement from the old Sisters of Battle flight stands it's not even funny.

  28. well out of those chcarecters that are listed i only use ASTROATH: its a great model gives a great buff to most of your army and is killer in combat, do you need more, well he goes round the BA AND its sucsessors so ANY sucsessor can use him :D

    leremates is a huge improvement to the OLD sculpt see:

    BUstin moves !! (yeah i suck at photoshop:P)

  29. Rules wise the Blood Angels seem to have alot of people flustered. But you pay the points for the models too. One of my favourite things about the new Codexes from GW is the ability to use Special Characters in your Army giving the chance to have a great character model that is well painted as a centre piece for your army and it adds to the fluff (or character) of the army as well.

    Blood Angels were the first Marine chapter I collected in 2nd edition and I have been exicted to see the new releases from GW giving one of my favourite chapters a breath of fresh air.

    Lemartes has a brand new sculpts and they have done my favourite character from my old Blood Angels models justice with the new sculpt. I love the way he acts as a Guardian of the Death Company and gives the Chapter Hope of Beating the Ancient Curse.

    Sanguinor has done for Blood Angels what Saint Celestine did for Sisters of Battle. I love the idae of a Marine praying before battle like the knights of old getting ready to bring holy justice to the enemy through the medium of a big ass sword. What is not to like.

    Astorath adds a nice dark shade to the Blood Angels. Making sure that as a chapter they stay on the right side by executing brother marines that have succumbed to the curse. The model is awesome as is the big cat wacker he uses on friend and foe. It is a model that looks just like the pictures in the codex and the same imagery you picture in your mind.

    Seth. Captures the darker side of Blood Angels. His chapters willingness to embrace their heritage including the curse and turn it against the enemies of the imperium. The model captures the dark side of the Blood Angel Gene Seed and what the Blood Angels could become should they decide to embrace their darker tendencies.

    While I love the new Lemartes sculpt, it is the Sanguinor and Astorath models and fluff I find more exciting. They offer Light and Shade to one of the Imperiums Premier Space Marine Chapters.

  30. I really like Seth in terms of modeling - the idea of a Marine with an eviserator is awesome to me. I really like Sanguinor and the whole mysterious figure idea they put behind his fluff and in terms of painting, he has the most potential to be absolutely beautiful out of the four.
    Lemartes is my favorite chaplain sculpt and a huge improvement from the old one (to echo the opinion of everyone else as well).
    Finally Astorath is a grat model for me personally because he is turning out great as a Khorne Skull Champion in my Chaos army right now. It took no time to file off the meager amount of iconography and give him a new base and backpack! Heresy!

  31. WOOHOO! free stuff...hehe. Soooo glad they updated lemartes. Sanguinor is cool. Astorath reminds me too much of Freekazoid, Seth... i have a soft spot ofr overly large chain weapons.

  32. lemartes is my favorite shame you need death co to use him as i would prefer to use him as my HQ

  33. Death from the skies ! What could be cooler than assault squad ? A Death Company or Elite guard lead by Sanguinor or Lemartes. They are my 2 favs.

  34. Can't not comment. As you say, the new Blood Angels gave us some truly memorable sculpts. Sanguinor and Astorath in particular capture that truly epic angelic vibe that is so key to the Blood Angels background and I'd love to get my hands on a Sagnuinor to paint! :D

  35. Lemartes is pretty much my favourite of those four characters... and the new model really does him justice. If I were to start Blood Angels, it'd be full-on Army Of Death led by Astorath and Lemartes.

    Although Gabriel Seth's eviscerator is really, really awesome.

  36. Astorath - very good model, so evil-looking that I want to use it in my khornate army using BA book. In my opinion DC army can work once if you take your opponent by surprise, otherwise not so valid... but he has more special rules to justify his incorporation into the army.

    Lemartes - fantastic model, but jump-packed DC is crazy expensive.

    Seth is very nice special character from old times - simple antithesis of Mephiston who should have "Monstrous Creature" in his profile.

    Sanguinor - also gives nice boost to you force, but I will convert his model if I win!

  37. Seth is my favorite of the new sculpts. Adding a Fleshtearer character made my day after GW dropped the Fleshtearer Chapter Approved rules and invalidated my Fleshtearer army. I have been building models to get my army in line with the new codex.

    I like the new Lemartes sculpt better than the old one and plan to field a big death comapny no matter the points.

    I like the rules for Astrorath but I am not so sure about the sculpt. I will still probably get one eventually.

    I really like the Sanguinator model and plan to get one after I buy a Seth model. I think it will be a challenge to paint it up and do the sculpt justice. I plan to give it a good try.

  38. The Sanguinor model is impressive. Really, very impressive. I'm just not really sure I like it. Maybe if it didn't look like he was showing off his feet it'd be better.

    Fortunately, I've a friend who's just set himself to playing Blood Angels (after huming and ahhing for a while). So he'd really appreciate adding this guy to his list of things to paint. ;-)

  39. I have to say, that these character models (and the sanguinary guard for that matter) are the best I've seen from GW in years.

    Lemartes is just a badass and his model is sweet.

    Seth looks cool, but the rules could make him better.

    Then there are the avenging angel and condemning devil of the Sanguinor and Astorath. I like the dichotomy that we get with them, and then of course the Sanguinor is one of the sweetest models ever.

    Hopefully one of these days the Dark Angels get a do-over like this ;)

  40. Ok I must confess that I can start playing BA just because the ones in the space hulk are great and compared to the new models they look plain.
    the new sanguinor and astorath are really tipping my point beyond the I don't care where im going to get the money point.

  41. I love the Sanguinor as a model, and for his rules, but nothing beats running around with a giant chainsword. Seth is king, all the way.

  42. Wow, last week I went to buy this model, but they were out of him! I reckon that he is the best of the models listed, as he has just such an awesome pose, very detailed, and looks amazing painted up well.

  43. The four different characters are all beasts, each of them have their place in specific lists that could be built around them, they all an do so much intense damage, each can change the tide of battle... and the new BA codex is the testing ground for the next GK codex.. I can't wait to get my daemonhunters back on the field.

  44. Seth is my preffered favourite, the idea of leading the chapter nobly into extinction is brilliant! He is a barbarian with noble ideals!

  45. I love the new models, personally. But moreso I like how the characters themselves shape your army. You can really work a lot of flexible builds out of one codex simply by taking a different named character.

    That said, I'm definitely eyeballing the ridiculously points-heavy Death Company army with Astorath at the helm...

  46. sanguinor is curtainly my fav, he looks so well sculpted and angelic, it really captures the essence of blood angels i think :)

  47. i think out of these Grim is probably my favourite as the mini is so cool and he allows an all death company army also he allows the red thirst a lot easier as well so very cool

  48. Not very familiar with the Blood Angels, but that Sanguinor model is awesome. The pose is really impressive. I would love to paint that one. Maybe I´d convert it to fit my Space Marine Chapter some how. Great give away!!!

  49. The new blood angels models are gorgeous. Looks like it would be a blast to paint.

  50. All four of them are amazing, but of them, I find Sanguinor and Astorath to be the coolest, as they have excellent lore that comes with them.
