The Santa Cruz Warhammer Barter Bucket!
Welcome to the Summer-only, Friday edition of the Bucket! I'm Mik of Mik's Minis, your Bucketeer on this bits trading journey. Let's begin...
It's simple, just send me an email of what you are looking for, or are looking to get rid of to: "miksminis at gmail.com". Please make sure your request is in list form with plenty of detail, the more detail the better. I will then post the requests each Saturday morning. Please have your emails to me by no later than Thursday of that week so I have enough time to get everything sorted out and ready to go in time for the Saturday post's deadline.
If you see an item below you are interested in, or just have extra bits laying about that could maybe help someone else out, please contact the individual directly via their email address. Sometimes they're just looking for a single piece or two, and you would be surprised what great bits you might find laying about just taking up valuable storage space!
Now, on to this week's bucket!
guido.kreemers at gmail.com is looking for:
av8hotrod at yahoo.com (SCWH's very own John) needs:
jackal at lglogan.com is still looking for:
mike.tess at charter.net needs:
Welcome to the Summer-only, Friday edition of the Bucket! I'm Mik of Mik's Minis, your Bucketeer on this bits trading journey. Let's begin...
It's simple, just send me an email of what you are looking for, or are looking to get rid of to: "miksminis at gmail.com". Please make sure your request is in list form with plenty of detail, the more detail the better. I will then post the requests each Saturday morning. Please have your emails to me by no later than Thursday of that week so I have enough time to get everything sorted out and ready to go in time for the Saturday post's deadline.
If you see an item below you are interested in, or just have extra bits laying about that could maybe help someone else out, please contact the individual directly via their email address. Sometimes they're just looking for a single piece or two, and you would be surprised what great bits you might find laying about just taking up valuable storage space!
Now, on to this week's bucket!
heaventouched at yahoo.com has:
clovisrex11 at verizon.net just discovered the Bucket, and needs:
- an Imperial Guard Rough Rider squad for best offer
clovisrex11 at verizon.net just discovered the Bucket, and needs:
- x8 Mk. III Iron Armor heads
- Robed bodies
- Sanguinary Guard artificer torsos, running legs, banner, and infernus pistol.
- x2 Glaives Encarmine
- Jump Packs
- Assault Legs
- Sanguinary Guard Power Fist
- Storm Shield from Assault Terminators
- x2 flamers, x2 meltaguns, x2 plasma guns
to trade, they have:
- a bazillion Space Wolves bitz
- Imperial Guard Cadian infantry (partially painted)
- Imperial Guard Cadian Command Squad (partially painted)
- Custom Space Wolves Conversions
guido.kreemers at gmail.com is looking for:
- WHFB Empire State trooper head with skull on helmet; a few times
- WHFB Empire Outrider heads a few times
- Space Marine bits (lots of variety)
- WHFB Empire bits (lots of variety)
- Old Imperial guard Valhallans (a few)
av8hotrod at yahoo.com (SCWH's very own John) needs:
- Sanguinary Guard jump packs with wings
- regular SM assault legs
- Ironclad Dred. right "arm" (don't need the palm or clampy fingers)
- Ironclad Dred. front torso plate
- Forge World Death Guard conversion kit stuff (I know it's a longshot)
he has all kinds of stuff to trade, if you don't see it, just ask:
- tons of minis and bits for most armies fantasy or 40k
- the greatest basing sand in the entire universe
- resin Dred. blood fists and blood talons
- custom bits sculpting (shoulder pads, vehicle icons,etc)
- custom casting (if its pretty simple)
- custom Tshirt printing
- an entire Storm Wardens army (just kidding)
- email him, and he will make all your wildest dreams come true (well, except for winning the Storm Wardens army, you gotta donate and take your chances like everyone else)
jackal at lglogan.com is still looking for:
- Plasma Guns (x2, Chaos or SM versions)
- Chaos Marine Shoulder Pads (x2)
- Chaos Icons for Vehicles
- Tzeentch icons (any including the standard bearer icon from the Chaos Marines set)
- WM Protectorate of Menoth Crusader Jack model, any condition mainly need torso, legs and powerplant
For Trade:
- Space Marine Bits
- Chaos Marine Back Packs
- Various Eldar bits/models
- Cadian Platoon
- Cadian Lascannon teams (x3)
- Cadian Mortar teams (x3)
mike.tess at charter.net needs:
- Catachan heavy flamer model (there are two, both metal)
- Old plastic stormtroopers with the berets
- IG Tallarn models (any)
and has:
- lots of Black Library books
- box full of Wood Elf bits
That's all for today, see you next week! Keep those email requests coming!
Remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
Remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
'guess my trades didn't make it in time. Maybe next week.
ReplyDeleteAh, yeah, me neither. Still, I hope everyone finds what they're looking for!
ReplyDeleteHey guys, Mik is out of town so I think this was written up a bit in advance, if you don't mind waiting, I am sure he will have you in the next one.
ReplyDeleteIf its really important, I can hack in and add it to this one.
av8hotrod at yahoo.com
Santa Cruz Warhamemr
Ah! That explains it. Thanks John, but yeah... no big emergency. It can totaly wait.
ReplyDeleteAnd like Mattarias said: I hope everyone finds what they're looking for!
Yeah, it's cool. Thanks for telling us though.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, good luck everyone! The Bucket is an awesome idea, and I hope people benefit from it.