Theres been much talk about the Storm Wardens Project around here but don't forget my first and never ending Blogger prize machine, The Super Blog Chain Give Away!
If you have not yet taken part, please do. We need to keep it rolling along. You can check where it is using the link on the right. (There will be a few more up soon)
A recent awesome prize went unclaimed at Awakening Ynnead, so I asked the host to extend the deadline, I hope someone will take advantage, make a sweet offer and take home the Nid Screamer Killer he is offering up.
Mitch at Ottawa Gamer has a codex or some brushes up for grabs.
Pick up some free swag and pass some other swag along to another friendly blogger. One person's trash is another person's treasure as they say.
Get out there and check out some of these blogs and offer up something, you might be the next link in the chain.
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