Welcome to the Barter Bucket!
Are you looking for a bunch of Space Marine helmets to adorn your Warboss' Battlewagon with? How about just one more combi-weapon for that custom command squad you've been building? Got a bunch of Cadians laying around from a project that never got off the ground? All this and more is exactly why the Barter Bucket was hatched; gamers helping out other gamers with hard-to-find bits, regular pieces, and whole models. It's a place to trade in your old stuff for new, or to get that one piece you need without buying it as part of a much more expensive kit. This runs on the cooperative spirit of the gaming community as a whole.
If you see something below you can help out with, or see something you're interested in picking up, please contact the individual directly through their listed email address.
heaventouched at yahoo.com is looking for the following:
- IG Cadian style rough rider legs (any)
- IG Cadian torsos, cloaks, or greatcoats (any)
- WHFB Bettonnia, Elven, or Empire horses (any)
- Berets, tri-cornered hats, Imperial symbol preferred (any)
- Holstered pistols
- IG arms holding bolt pistols, chainswords, power swords (any)
- Space Marine arms holding bolt pistols, chainswords, power swords (any)
- IG bits and spares, just ask
blaznatin at gmail.com is looking for the following:
- Any Battlefleet Gothic Imperial Ships and Bitz
- General BFG Material
- Space Marine models
- Ork models
- Lizardmen models
- Built New Plastic Ork Stormboyz x10
- Built Boss Zagstruk, primed
- OOP Ork Stormboyz x5
- Tau Hammerhead x1
- Tau Crisis Suit Commander x1
- Assorted Tau Models, lots of Kroot, Firewarriors, and Stealthsuits
- Converted Ork Looted Wagon with Boomgun
- Tau Devilfish x1
- Assorted Tau, Ork, and Lizardmen Bitz
miksminis at gmail.com (me, your humble bucketeer) is looking to start a new genre/project and is looking for:
- LotR Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf the Grey in any pose
- Space Marine Rhinos, umm, x4? Longshot I know!
- Many 40k bits and models (mostly SM and IG)
- Other assorted goodness, let me know what you're looking for
av8hotrod at yahoo.com (John from Santa Cruz Warhammer) is looking for:
- Necron Immortals, Pariahs, C'tan Nightbringer, and/or Deceiver
- Flames of War large plastic bases (50mm x 65mm), x2
and has to trade:
- just about everything, just ask
jackal at lglogan.com is looking for a few key pieces:
DerinaJean at aol.com is looking for the following:
I'm the guy with the bucket on his head, Mik of Mik's Minis, welcome! To participate, all you need to do is send me an email to miksminis at gmail.com listing what you are looking for, or have as surplus that might help someone else out. Make sure your email is in list form with plenty of detail, including the quantities of each you're looking for. Emails I receive by Thursday will post that weekend here at Santa Cruz Warhammer, otherwise they'll get queued up for the following week. Thanks, and remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
Don't forget, the Storm Wardens Project comes to a glorious end tomorrow, click the link for details!
- Ork Kannon with crew x 3
- Ork Zzap Gun with crew x3
- Ork Power Klaws
- Ork Big Choppas
- 40mm x 40mm Fantasy Bases X 3
- Cowled Necrarch Vampire on foot
They are looking to trade the following:
- Space Marine Bits (Just ask I may have it)
- Various Eldar bits/models
- Cadian Mortar teams (x3)
DerinaJean at aol.com is looking for the following:
- Servo-arm, any type, x1
- OOP metal Chaos Space Marine, x1
- Multi-melta, Devastator Space Marine type
I'm the guy with the bucket on his head, Mik of Mik's Minis, welcome! To participate, all you need to do is send me an email to miksminis at gmail.com listing what you are looking for, or have as surplus that might help someone else out. Make sure your email is in list form with plenty of detail, including the quantities of each you're looking for. Emails I receive by Thursday will post that weekend here at Santa Cruz Warhammer, otherwise they'll get queued up for the following week. Thanks, and remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
Don't forget, the Storm Wardens Project comes to a glorious end tomorrow, click the link for details!
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