Finished Nurgle Daemon Prince, and More

Still plugging away on the Death Guard I will bring to Games Day in less than a week.

I finished this guy up and missed a mold line on his hand, during drybrushing it really stood out. I figured no one would notice, but Mike noticed it right away, so I filed it down and repainted.

I have also summoned up some daemons to bring to the party.

Now I just have to figure out how to get it all (and one more rhino?) in the army case.



  1. to be honest I was skeptical of your conversion in your last post but it turned out fantastic! the blend from nurgle flub to mechanical is seamless. great work and good luck on the rest of the army for GD

  2. I know what you mean, its amazing what a bit of paint can do, this model has no green stuff, I tried a new technique for gap filling, using glue and accelerator.

    Santa Cruz Warhammer

  3. These models are inspiring to get busy with my nurgle ambitons

  4. glue and accelerator huh? you going to post a tutorial on this new method of yours?

  5. Wow, what a great model! You have taken very little and done very much. And kudos to the CA glue and accelerator gap filling method. Sometimes, it's superior to green stuff. When I built my 10 Chaos Spawn, I used nothing but good ol' Cyanoacrylate and Zap a Gap. Though I will eventually need to apply some Avies Prosculpt on a few models for detail, most of the models were finished without any sculpting, muscle tone and all. Excellent model, man. I'm currently melding the old metal Daemon Prince and the new plastic one. That way, he'll have humanoid legs and a proper Nurgle butt.


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