Welcome to the Barter Bucket!
The Barter Bucket has one purpose; gamers helping other gamers. Hard-to-find bits, regular pieces, and whole models is what in the details. The Barter Bucket is a place to trade in your old stuff for new, or to get that one piece you need without buying it as part of a much more expensive kit or especially as an overpriced single bit. This concept is kept alive by the cooperative spirit of our gaming community as a whole.
If you see something below you can help out with, or see something you're interested in picking up, please contact the individual directly through their listed email address.
av8hotrod at yahoo.com has two, just two, vital requests:
jackal at lglogan.com has some requests this week and needs:
- Black Templar chest piece with tabbard and armored collar, seen here
- A head that fits an Armorcast Reaver Titan, original or replacement
- lots and lots of stuff, just inquire, there's a good chance he's got it
- Rogue Trader era Space Marines (any)
- 2nd edition Tyranids
- Rogue Trader era Space Marine Dreadnoughts
- Ork Kannon with crew x 3
- Ork Zzap Gun with crew x3
- Ork Power Klaws
- Mega Armoured Orks
- Cowled Necrarch Vampire on foot
- Space Marine Bits (Just ask, they may have it)
- Various Eldar bits/models
- Cadian Mortar teams (x3)
- Fiends of Slaanesh, x5
- some chaos space marine helmets, x20
- mask face from the Dark Eldar Wyches
- jump packs wings or Sanguine Guard packs, any
- either a Bastion Stronghold
- or Basilica Administartum.
- WM Menoth stuff, any
In turn they have for trade:
pvt.donut@gmail.com just got back into gaming and is looking for:- approx. 50-60 termagaunts
- x4 forge world brood nests
- a few genestealers
- a semi converted shadowsword (ork conversion, should be easy enough to disassemble though)
- a cache of bitz from orks to IG, Space marine to Chaos
- Armies for trade or sale: they have a WM Skorne army and a WHFB Vampire Count army
- They will also trade random bitz bags if that is what you are after; standard sandwich bag size, just tell them if you will be trading 1/4, 1/2, or full baggies
- Necromunda plastic bulkheads, any
mike.tess at charter.net, our very own SCWH Mike, is looking for
___________________________________________- an IG Baneblade
I'm the guy with the bucket stuck on his head, Mik of Mik's Minis, welcome! To participate, all you need to do is send me an email to miksminis at gmail.com listing what you are looking for, or have as surplus that might help someone else out. Make sure your email is in list form with plenty of detail, including the quantities of each you're looking for and quantities of what you have. Emails received by Thursday will post that weekend here at Santa Cruz Warhammer, otherwise they'll get queued up for the following week. Thanks, and remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
I just wanted to add a quick addition to my needs list. I am looking for some of the extra branches from the citadel woods scenery set.
ReplyDeleteIf you can help me out email me at jackal@lglogan.com
- BJ