Another world, another time. In the age of wonder.
A thousand years ago this land was green, until the Bucket cracked. A single piece was lost, a shard of the Bucket. Then strife began, and people began charging for bits and single models. Here in the castle of the Bucket, Santa Cruz Warhammer took control. Now the bits flow freely once more. Now the Bucket hangs above a shaft of air and fire. Once more gamers gather at the Bucket. Once more they replenish their bits bins. The Bucket...
farseerelorrah at gmail dot com is excited about the bucket and wants:
- SoB Exorcist/Immolator, complete kit or conversion kit
- Tyranid Venomthropes, any
- Epic, matched pair of Eldar Vehicles (any kind will do)
- Space Hulk Genestealers, minus Broodlord (new edition)
- Large variety of LotR and WHFB unopened blisters
- Ral Partha's 'Lord Soth's Charge', opened
contact directly for trading, or of course:
- cash
- SM Land Raider
- SM Land Raider Crusader
- WHFB Orc Boys
- WHFB 'Harry the Hammer' ltd. fig, unopened
- WHFB Chaos Chariot, unopened
- WHFB River Trolls, x2 unopened
- WHFB Island of Blood small rulebook, buy or trade
- SM Land Raiders, old or new unpainted or unassembled
- Ork Army, as featured on this blog
- Deathwatch shoulder pads, plastic or metal, x5
- SM Devastator Heavy Bolter plastic "kit", x1
- SM (all flavors) and Chaos SM bits
- Rackham Barbarians, metal
The Bucket has one purpose, gamers helping other gamers. It's a place to trade the stuff you have laying around, the stuff you're not using and get the stuff you do need. No more buying whole sets for just one model, no more buying overpriced single bits. This concept is kept alive by the cooperative spirit of all of us.
Make sure your email gets to me by Thursday for it to post that week, emails got to miksminis at gmail dot com. Please keep them simple and concise with details, and limit your requests for needs and haves to three items each. This will turn a shotgun effect of a huge list crossing your fingers hoping for a bite to a more streamlined surgical bits hunt. It will also keep the Bucket itself compact and efficient.
Remember, change comes from within...your bits box!
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