Heroes of Armageddon - Weekly Drawing, Victoria Miniatures

This weeks Heroes of Armageddon Weekly Drawing prizes come from Victoria Lamb of Victoria Miniatures.

As mentioned before, Victoria was kind enough to donate the head and pack bits for the Savlar Chem Dog squad I am doing for the Steel Legion Raffle Prize army led by Dave Taylor.

I am also using her kilted legs for my personal Ardwick 23rd Imperial Guard Veterans.

Victoria has been kind enough to send a few of her products to us to raffle off for this weeks Heroes of Armageddon drawing.

Victoria Lamb is a multiple Golden Demon winner and the awesome builder / painter behind a number of my favorite models and mini dioramas. Her OSL effects were way ahead of the times and awe inspiring.

Here's a few of my favorites ( all following pics from her website).

Victoria also sculpts her own offerings for sale and Victoria Miniatures offers some great miniatures and bits, be sure to check out the webstore.

This Sunday we will have these three prizes;

1. The Spanish Inquisition ( 3 figure metal Monty Python tribute set with accessories )

2. Halfling Cowboys (2 unpainted metal miniatures)

3. Kilted Highland Guard legs ( 18 metal leg sets, most standing with some kneeling)

The 3 winners will be drawn at random on Sunday from all the Heroes of Armageddon Donations at that time, so if you have not yet made a donation or would like to throw in a few more bucks to this great Charity cause, get to it and sweeten your chances of winning some of this great stuff. Weekly drawing winners are also still eligible for the grand prize army drawing ant the end of the project.



  1. Victoria's stuff is truly amazing!!

    Keeping my fingers crossed for the kilted legs!!!


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