Welcome to the SCWH Honor Roll! This week, I'm bringing you the conversions from around the web:
Mordian 7th's Custom Ahriman
White Metal Game's Soul Drinkers Sarpedon & Sgt. Telion
Winterdyne Commission's Pandora Chapter Master of the Forge
Miniature Wargame Conversion's Contest Entries
White Metal Game's Soul Drinkers Sarpedon & Sgt. Telion
Winterdyne Commission's Pandora Chapter Master of the Forge
Miniature Wargame Conversion's Contest Entries
Mike and John's additions for this weeks Honor roll are:
Mike: check out this amazing thread with Chaos Super Heavies
John: I like this diorama from Arsies Studio
Heroes of Armageddon has wrapped up after nearly 4 months, donating over 31,000 to Doctor's Without Borders. Thanks to everyone who contributed!!
As a special request, I'm going to have to give up my role in this series in August, but I don't want my departure to be the end of the Honor Roll. If you think you can take up the reins (and maybe improve it), then please let Mike or John or I know. I think this has been great at helping share the joys of the hobby, and it still has so much to offer.
And AGAIN: if you care about your fellow bloggers and their work, please link the Honor Roll on your blog. Grab the jpg from this post and use this link underneath:
It would be really appreciated!
Next week our topic is going to be Painting. If you want to help out, when you see something great out on the web and want to make sure I don't miss it, feel free to send it to robert [dot] biddle [at] gmail [dot] com.
I've just managed to add the Honor Roll banner thingy tomy blogs side bar. Notsure if it will link properly but it's a start lol.