SCWH Ads for Charity

John and I have always been adamant about advertising on Santa Cruz Warhammer. When we started in 2007 we pledged never to put ads on....well, we broke that promise today. For the first time we have started a sponsorship program. BUT we will not make a dime on it. All proceeds of the program (minus paypal costs) will go to Charity. We have called it Ads for Charity

This is how it works:

A company or individual pays 50 dollars for an ad per month. All money goes to a charity of their choosing OR we provide a choice: Doctors without Borders, Save the Children, Fallen Heroes Fund or The American Cancer Society. We can help you find a good cause that has an A rating in distributing your money directly to the cause you support. We will not take in any money; we want the donations to go directly to the cause and we will get a receipt with the donation and the tagline Ads for Charity.

In addition the sponsor will give two models to us, one of which will be given away to YOU, our readers. The other model will be reviewed and modeled and we will check out the company in depth but in an honest and realistic manner. 

For all that the sponsor will get an ad space for a month on the right top of our blog and tons of traffic to your website. We run Google Analytics to prove our visiting volume. AND: all our readers know that you care about doing something good in the world around you. We will have a MAXIMUM of 4 sponsors per month.

That's it. Check out the spot on the right where the ads will go. We added one company already.

John and I will only accept sponsors from appropriate companies, so you won't see any Amazon or computer game ads. We have dealt with a lot of wonderful and creative artists that want to promote their talents and we hope this will help them get more business.

To give you insight into our donated amount, we will create a charity meter which will be proudly displayed on our blog.

For John and myself, this blog is a place of happiness and doing good, not making money for ourselves. We want to show the blogging and modeling worlds how much good can be done using common sense and some goodwill. That's the reason we also organized the StormWardens and Heroes of Armageddon Charity Drives. In this economy the charities are in dire need of support and every bit helps! 
If you know anyone who might be interested, drop us a line at scwarhammer at gmail dot com.

Let us know what you think.



  1. Great program, but my comprehension was muddied a little by the use of the tearm "the company". Is there a clearer way to word this?

  2. thanks. i did some editing. we are excited.

  3. I have always resisted 'monetising' my blog but this is excelent. Hope it is successful.

  4. help spread the word John, that will increase it's chances of being succesful!



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