We got approached by Drew from the Blood Ravens Charity Project to see if we could help spread the world about this worthy cause. The Blood Ravens Charity collects space marine models, paints them up like Blood Ravens, and will raffle off the entire army for a good cause. Proceeds go to the organisation Childs Play, which provides toys, games and books to children's hospitals world wide.
For info on the project, click here: bloodravensbuild.blogspot.com
For their Facebook page: click here
For more info on childsplay, click here
if you want to help out in any way, email Drew at aridmonk at gmail dot com
Otherwise DONATE if you want to win this huge army! You will donate directly to Childs Play, so follow the instructions on their site. On December 22nd, Childs Play will email a list with donaters to Drew and his crew and they will pick a winner. This could be a nice, extra xmas present!
Here are some of the models that came in, for more updates go to their blog or fb page.

Of course I don't have to tell you all that in this collapsing world economy, help for the helpless is urgently needed. As always, children pay a huge bill for the folly of adults.
And yes, I donated!
Let's help!
Cool project again... and for a good cause. I might find some time to paint few Blood Ravens.
ReplyDeleteAnd just checking, did you get my address? I sent it in mike.tess@charter.net and scwarhammer@gmail.com Contact me at jonfredriksson@yahoo.com if you for some reason did´nt get it :) Thanks!