It seems we've all been quite busy lately. SC Mike has been painting and converting up an incredible Nurgle warband. He's already challenged me to a match soon too! I can't wait!
Here's some of his stuff:
The latest corrupted brother |
The warband grows! |
Poxwalker |
More Poxwalkers |
I've been working on my Primaris forces, albeit slowly.
I've got a squad of Hellblasters and a squad of Intercessors assembled, primed and ready to paint. Here's a pic:
Primaris Intercessors ready for paint |
Our friend Pezman is preparing to run a Blood bowl 7's league in a couple of weeks so I've also been getting my team assembled and modifying my pitch - more on that later.
SC John has also been corrupted by Nurgle and is working on his new Nurgle army as well. Here's a peek of what he's been up to:
Poxwalkers & friends |
Plague Marines & more! |
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