I'm your host, Mik of the aptly titled blog, Mik's Minis. I devised the bucket to be all about gamers helping gamers and I'm very excited it has found a place to call home here at Santa Cruz Warhammer.
The ground rules are pretty simple. You send me an email of what you are looking for, need, or just looking to get rid of to "miksminis@gmail.com". I will then post the requests here each Saturday morning at Santa Cruz Warhammer. Please have your emails to me by no later than the Thursday of that week so I have enough time to compile everything. Tell your friends, bring the family!
If you see an item below you are interested in, or can help someone else out with, please contact the individual directly via their email address. Now, on to this week's bucket!
heaventouched@yahoo.com needs the following:
- the latest Imperial Guard codex
- a carrying case for transporting his army
kevinjcash@gmail.com is trading Orks for Orks:
- has NIB AoBR Ork Warboss to trade for any other Ork models
derinajean@aol.com is looking for the following:
- has AoBR Orks, is looking for Iron Hands shoulder pads and various icons
- has Space Marine transfer sheets (x12) is looking for Iron Hands bits
- has plastic "classic" Genestealers (x6) to also trade
i_r_bob37@hotmail.com is looking to get rid of some metal Orkness:
- Ork Deff Dredd (metal, x2)
- Ork Killa Kan (metal, x9)
jackal@lglogan.com needs the following:
- Witch Hunter decal sheets, any
- Eldar Dire Avenger plastic helmets, any
rob@rbarnett.com is keeping his fingers crossed with these needs:
- Space Marine Vanguard metal jumppack (x7)
- Space Marine Chaplain metal jumppack (x3)
- Space Marine Ironclad Dreadnought melta-gun (x1)
- Space Marine bike Chaplain "fairing" (metal front bit, x5)
- Witchhunter Penitent Engine pilot (x1)
- OOP Witchhunter Exorcist metal front & sides
- Forgeworld Nurgle Dreadnaught Chainfist arm (x2)
- Forgeworld Nurgle Dreadnaught Lascannon arm (x2)
- Forgeworld Ultramarines Dreadnought banner (x1)
- Eldar Dire Avenger back banners (x5)
- OOP Night goblin flipping "the bird" (x3)
- OOP Genestealer Magus w/ staff in left hand (x1)
miksminis@gmail.com is me, and I'm also crossing my fingers, looking for:
- has latest Chaos Space Marine codex, wants latest Space Marine codex
- has NIB Chaos Space Marine Daemon Prince, wants NIB Space Marine assault squad
- has NIB Space Wolves Rune Priest, wants NIB Space Marine scout biker
abschleicher@yahoo.com is wanting for any Space Wolves and has these to trade:
- Grey Knights (x10) and WHFB Empire Swordsmen (x9)
- over sixty Lord of the Rings models, troops and characters, email for details
mike.tess@charter.net has Ork deff coptas for trade and is looking for:
- OOP Imperial Guard models, any
- metal Nurgle models, any
paul_svensson@hotmail.com is new to the bucket and looking for:
- "Animal", the melta gunner from the Imperial Guard Gaunt's Ghosts pack
- the juve with sickle and stub gun from Necromunda House Escher
That's all for today, see you next week! Keep those email requests coming!
I dont have any classic 'steelers.