I'm your host, Mik, of Mik's Minis. The bucket is for all of us; gamers helping out other gamers, bits trading here and there, specific parts, and the like. I'm very excited it has found a place to call home here at Santa Cruz Warhammer, these guys have been great.
The ground rules are pretty simple. You send me an email of what you are looking for, need, or just looking to get rid of to "miksminis@gmail.com", make sure it's in list form with plenty of detail. The more detail the better, if you're getting rid of Orks, tell me what kind, how many, etc. I will then post the requests here weekly each Saturday morning at Santa Cruz Warhammer. Please have your emails to me by no later than the Thursday of that week so I have enough time to compile everything, get it edited and formatted in time for the Saturday post.
If you see an item below you are interested in, or can help someone else out, please contact the individual directly via their listed email address. Sometimes they're just looking for a single piece or two, you'd be surprised what all you can find at the bottom of your bits bin. Now, on to this week's bucket!
av8hotrod@yahoo.com :
- bags and bags and bags (over 100 pounds worth!) of 15mm Napoleonic and ACW from all armies and would like to trade for something, or sell to good home
mike.tess@charter.net has offered up some pretty amazing "haves" this week, and looking for a another slew of "needs":
- many, many 40k Orks
- Flagellant sprues MINUS the torsos (have robes), arms and bald heads
- Goblin Skarsnik (not with Gobbla)
- Captain Sicarius from Black Reach
- Ork commandos (metal)
- unpainted Forge World Fighta Bomba, if someone comes with an offer I can't refuse...
- WHFB Goblin Fantatics (metal)
- WHFB Goblin riders on Squigs
- any Empire metal models, OOP is great
- any Gorka Morka stuff
- Necromunda
- Inquisitor
- Adeptus Titanicus
- Dwarf characters
- Imperial Guard sitting men on tank
- Space Marine scopes (x5)
- Death Watch shoulder pads, metal or plastic (x5)
sovietspace@hotmail.com is taking legitimate offers on his Saim Hann Eldar army:
That's all for today, see you next week! Keep those email requests coming!
Whooops, I meant to message you, the Saim-Hann army has been sold :)
ReplyDeleteTHank you for posting it up though mate!