West Wind Gas Mask Heads Give Away! Free Stuff!

You may remember that Wendy from West Wind Productions was kind enough to send us some new and unreleased heads from their Secrets of the Third Reich, Separate Heads System.

I have been using the British Gas Mask Heads on my Ardwick 23rd troopers.

Use this link to read our earlier review.

Here are the Veterans with flamers that Mike used the heads on, you can see his article here

You can also see how I used them here.

This give away will be a little different than usual, we will have THREE winners, and each will receive FIVE of EACH heads.

These heads are great for conversions, and you can't even buy them yet, so you will be the first on your block to have them.

As usual, all you need to do to win, is to be a subscriber to our blog, and post a comment on this page. Please feel free to use the comments to leave feedback of the new heads for the folks at West Wind to see.

We will choose three winners this time from the comments list using a random number generator.

We will ship anywhere, so everyone is eligible. ( Our last winner was from Finland!)

Also, if we find our blog on YOUR blogroll or links, you will receive an awesome bonus prize that I will hand pick from my own collection of Warhammer goodness, based on the content of your blog.

The winners will be chosen late Sunday night, our time, so if you want some free stuff, get your comments in!

John & Mike


  1. those heads look awesome, soooo will buy some west wind heads when they come out

  2. yeah, those will go for some great models.

  3. West wind's selection of heads is awesome, I'm not entirely convinced by the forage hat ones :) but the others there are brilliant.

  4. Great heads! I'd love to covert some IG models with these!

  5. great heads, the last one (used on the ratling) looks a bit awkward but the others are great!

  6. I think these are some very cool heads. Although I'm a little unsure about the civil war looking ones...

    I'd be interested in an accessory sprue with some cool steam-punk gear to match these heads!

  7. Great heads to aescalareducida posts!

  8. Great set of heads. I really like these sort of conversion packs. They aren't tied down to a single game and really help a company branch out to other hobbyists past their own games.

    Any company out there looking for their next project, take a long look at this sort of work.

  9. I actually like the idea of using the gas mask heads with Catachan, Zombie, and Bretonian bitz to make Savlar Chem Dogs. They are all so great, I don't know if I could resist doing a whole army with them. Maybe I could use the whole line of heads to create a scavenged look?

  10. The West Wind heads are a great asset for any guard player. I plan on getting a bunch when I do my Traitor Guard!

  11. They have so much character to them. Love it.

  12. Those look great for conversions. I keep getting tempted towards a Guard army, will definitely have to keep them in mind if I give in to temptation!

  13. I love the Adrian! I really need to find a project for these!

  14. I was almost about to purchase some West Wind "Secrets of the Third Reich" separate head systems bits a few months back, but decided on getting Pig Iron heads instead. I think both would have worked just fine for my purposes (I wanted special heads for IG special weapons/ heavy weapons models) though.

  15. I really like the French Adrian helmets, but Ii saw a conversion of the forage cap heads on an old metal Ratling that looked amazing.

    West Wind has a great selection of heads to add individuality to your human forces. I could definitely see some Death Guard conversions coming from these heads.

  16. Have been thinking a couple of their heads on my current guard build, and have to say seeing some of them in use has really given me some ideas for my winter scheme guard.

    Keep up the good work, painting and reviews!


  17. We wants them, my precioussssss. We wants the bagheads!!!!

  18. love the WWI german helmuts with the spikes. once again, awesome deal Santa cruz guys.

  19. These are nice! Some of them have a real steam punk feel.

  20. How do you keep getting all this cool stuff to give away?

  21. Those are cool looking heads. I didn't even realize WW was doing head packs!

  22. That first head is killer, i like the 'squashy' look of the second, the third looks a little too 'clunky' to me.

  23. Sweet. I love the thinking you guys put into your conversions.

  24. I really like what Westwind is doing, these can be used for many games, keep up the great work Westwind!

  25. The heads are great... great sculpts, great variety, and it'd be so satisfying to use them for conversions!

  26. These would be great for the small specialist squads; flamer or demolition squads or even stormtroopers.

  27. Personally I would use these to make my stormtroopers, as I think the current ones are way to expensive. Just toss in some scout arms, and you are set!

  28. I love the heads. They're so cool for imperial guard conversions *drool*

  29. wow Id love to have the gas masks for my Blood Pact :D :D

  30. Love 'em. ;)
    Thanks for all the cool updates, too.

  31. The WestWind heads are always really good, these ones look like no exception! I'm thinking of using some of these new ones as officer heads, with the tommy gas mask ones for regular soldiers.

  32. Thanks for the West Wind tip. Just bought a bunch of those lady german bandits. They are going to be instead of Enforcers/Commissars to keep my Imperial Guard mining renegade army in check ...

    Also ordered that Han the Hunter? Might make an Renegade Ogryn replacement if he is big enough.

    Anyway this blog got me back into 40k since 1992, the perfect thing for switching off from work.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. I really like these new heads as they open up so many possibilities for guard armies!

  35. Gota conversion bits! And it'd be good to see the quality of what Westwind produce first hand!

  36. I'm loving the French Adrian helmets. I tried sculpting something similar a while back and while it turned out okay, doing it repetitively for a whole Renegade Guard force and adding in variety would be a bit much. Once these are on the market, hopefully I've gotten my 500 points of CSM out of the way so I can get creative with some allies for 'em.

    These contests are a cool idea, by the way, showing off new product by some great companies!

  37. Those would make some of my imperial stand out :)

  38. Those look nice, although a little on the small side. I could definitely use more gas masks for my traitor guards.

  39. The head you used on the ratling is awesome i'll buy them for mine..

  40. Death korps of not frieking expensive :P like it

  41. West Wind makes great stuff, and it's great to see what people can do with them.

  42. It's little gems like this that make collecting a guard army so much fun!

  43. Great stuff! I have been working with some WestWind products on my blog and have a giveaway as well with there stuff! Wendy is great to talk to!



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